Wednesday, September 29, 2004

click here to accept terms

there are a number of things in our daily lives that are useless and monotonous...the other day I went to to see how the pros were doing in their tournament and I had to click a box to say I accept their terms to look at the current standings...I didn't read the terms - I just said "OK"...why in the hell should I need to okay any agreement to see the leaderboard?...let me answer my own question: lawyers...I am sure some legal beagle at is convinced that if I get incorrect or untimely information from their website, I will sue their ass for some inane reason...crazy world made crazier by john edwards like trial lawyers chasing ambulances or any stockholder who has lost a dollar or any other idiot who they can convince someone has done them wrong

but all these "accept our terms" click boxes, that if you don't accept you can't get the data you want, are just has company internet email has many websites have them that you would think someone ought to realize that no one reads the terms, they just check another box as a requirement to get to the they really think checking a box is going to swing a legal case their way?

why doesn't bill gates add an option to passport that says something like: "I accept that anything and everything I see on the internet will ruin my life, make me bankrupt, give me cancer, and kill me - GIVE ME THE GODDAM DATA!"

oh yeah, check this box to accept my terms before you comment on this rant

Saturday, September 25, 2004

kobe, tyson, et. al.

kobe and tyson...a couple very hi-profile "rape" cases...both of them really break down to a he-said what point does a consensual encounter turn into rape?...can the woman change her mind in the middle of the sex act, say "no", and then claim rape because the man stopped in 2 seconds and she thought he should have stopped immediately?

don't get me means no...rape is a horrible crime of violence and I want any man who rapes a woman to spend a long time in jail, if not the rest of his life

but these cases where a woman goes along with everything, then either after the fact, or well into the act, she seemingly changes her mind...that's rape?...that's something that should send a man to prison?...I don't think so

what kills me about the tyson conviction is the woman's statement to the press: "I wouldn't have pressed charges if he would have apologized" that the mind set of a rape victim?...tyson must have had some of the worst legal council in way he should have gone to prison on that you can say that his actions after prison show what a bad guy he is, etc., etc....but I'll tell you that if he had not gone to prison, there is a reasonable chance that mike would have turned out to be no where near the psycho that he is now...he may have even been a pretty good, fairly long-lived boxing champion

kobe got off with a good legal team...what do you think kobe would look like several years down the road if he spent a few years in prison on a bum rape charge?...hard to say, but his life could have taken a tyson type turn as well

Thursday, September 16, 2004

A solution to world terrorism...a start anyway

as a start to solving the muslim terrorist problem let me suggest that after each and every suicide bombing or other atrocity committed by a muslim terrorist, a group of muslim leaders who denounce terrorism (there are some aren't there?) hold a press conference where they clearly proclaim:

"let us make it very clear to all muslims and to the rest of the world...the young muslim who did this is NOT going to heaven, is NOT getting any rewards from allah, etc., etc....this young muslim is GOING TO HELL as are all young muslims who commit such heinous crimes"

are there any muslim leaders who are willing to proclaim their religion does not reward suicide bombers but that allah will send them to hell?....if not, what do they believe is the eternal outcome for these suicide bombers?

let me repeat that question: what do muslim leaders believe is the eternal outcome for these suicide bombers?

this is a piercing question which when specifically answered will enlighten all muslims and the rest of the world that is looking at islam and wondering what the hell is going on with this religion...and it just might get a discussion going within islam that will help convince their young men that suicide bombing does not have the rewards their whacko leaders have been telling them

Kenneth, what is the frequency?

how bizarre is Dan Rather? the face of growing evidence that these documents he brings out to try frame W are forgeries, he stonewalls and insists on their authenticity...then he starts to backtrack with something to the effect of: "well even if they are forged, the spirit of the documents is true"....huh?....the meat of his report was the documents...then he gets some old lady with an agenda to vouch for what the forged documents say anyway?

Rather has a bad blood history with the Bush family....the 1st President Bush dressed down Rather while Dan was trying to nail George the 1st with the iran-contra connection...Rather was obviously flustered and embarrassed during that 1988? exchange and it seems Danny is still trying to get his revenge on the Bush clan...kind of makes you expect to see Kitty Kelley interviewed on the next cbs evening news, doesn't it?


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

whacko muslims

something is wrong with islam...ridiculous statement as it seems so obvious, but no one seems willing to actually confront this issue...not the Democrats, not the Republicans, not the national media, and probably most importantly, not the muslims themselves

you continually hear various islamic leaders and representatives respond to questions on whacko muslim suicide bombings with something like: "...we think this is wrong...", but more often than not, you also then hear something like: "...but these people (palestinians, chechnens, sunnis, etc.) have been horribly wronged..." you are always left with the feeling that the muslim who is pooh-poohing the terrorist sympathizes with them as well...this is a very telling insight into the mind of makes you wonder how they talk in their mosques when discussing terrorist acts...are they more sympathetic, or more condemning?